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A newsletter for Maine Quilts

Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator | | | 207-216-7358

12 more weeks!

1. Last postmark date for quilt registration is May 15th! If you need a form and/or entry information go to your brochure or our website: Thinking about entering a Challenge? Ask questions of Carmen at or 612-6343. We need your quilts!

2. The workshops with sewing machines provided are filling well; teachers with machines are Lynne Hagmeier and Michelle Renee Hiatt. It is so wonderful for the students to not lug their machines. Enjoy using the machines donated by The Fabric Garden and Cotton Cupboard. There will be an expert helper from the vendor/manufacturer available in workshop all day. If you have a chance at the show, stop by their booths and thank them for their generosity! And check out the special show prices they will offer!

3. Have you signed up for a workshop yet? Seven workshops are full! We have a few workshop spaces for Sally Terry, longarm teacher on Thursday morning and Saturday morning. Nancy Chong has space in the new Wednesday workshop and Thursday’s mystery. Would you like to make a vest with Karen Eckmeier on Friday? Bring your laptop with EQ 6, 7 or 8 and learn navigate the program with Pat Harrison on Friday. Or bring a quilt and learn what a judge looks at with Pat Harrison on Saturday afternoon.Want to try new modern techniques and designs? Join Kristy Daum Thursday, Friday, or Saturday afternoon. We have something for everyone!

Sign up now! Check our website for further updates on full workshops:

4. Volunteer! There are 2 hour shifts to be filled! Maine Quilts needs you to make this show a success! 2 hours will give you a free day admission.

• Want to hang quilts and see the quilts up close and personal?

• Many sit down jobs including Admission, Show Information table, Raffle Ticket table, Raffle Sewing Machine table and Volunteer table. Quilter’s Walk, White Glove volunteers and Merchandise have spaces also.We also need vendor assistants..

• We need help to load the U-haul on Tuesday morning, show set up and show take down of quilts and reloading the U-haul and unloading at the storage unit Saturday after the show.

Find what you can do to help, fill out a form from your brochure or on our website and send to Susan Bulay, Volunteer Chair. Questions? Ask Susan at or 207-827-6136. to find the form.

5. Do you want to teach a demonstration Thursday, Friday or Saturday for 10 -15 minutes? Contact Carol Reed at

6. Are you creating a challenge entry for “Bee Sew Inspired”? Enter your quilted item and receive the challenge pin created for just this category.

7. Entering a raffle quilt for raffle alley? Contact Lee by June 1 at or 207-876-3508.

Volunteer and join us for a good show!