Patchwork Press is the Pine Tree Quilters Guild newsletter. In it you’ll find news from many of our chapters, quilt book reviews, details about upcoming events, Members’ Meeting minutes, and many other features. It is published six times a year, timed to arrive in PTQG members’ mailboxes during the first two weeks of the following months: February, April, June, August, October, December.


To allow for composition and printing time, articles are due by the 10th of the month prior to the issue. It is a great help to our editor if you are able to send your article in an “electronic” format. Articles should be sent to: Pam Nourse.

Patchwork Press Deadlines:

  • January 10 for February issue
  • March 10 for April issue
  • May 10 for June issue
  • July 10 for August issue
  • September 10 for October issue
  • November 10 for December issue


PTQG accepts advertising in the Patchwork Press. Ads can run from business card to full-page size.


Full Page$2007.5″ x 9.5″
Half Page$1007.5″ x 4.725″ or 3.65″ x 9.5″
Quarter Page$603.65″ x 4.725″
Business Card$303.65″ x 2.325″
Longer TermLess 15%3-6 issues

Checks should be made out to: Pine Tree Quilters Guild 

Anyone wishing to place ads in the Patchwork Press should contact Joan Emerson.