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A newsletter for Maine Quilts

Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator | | | 207-216-7358

Maine Quilts 2018 was a fun and successful show!

Congratulations to the ribbon winners! The full list is being added to our website,

  • Thank you all for volunteering, enjoying the learning opportunities with our teachers, spending your money with our vendors, and supporting the various fundraisers.
  • Thank you to the chairpersons and the hours spent organizing and preparing your parts for the show!
  • And yes, our lecture on Hawaiian quilts on Friday night was a huge success with a standing ovation. Food was great!
  • Working on Maine Quilts 2019 already! If you would like to join us as a Chairperson let Lisa Nash, our new coordinator, know at We can talk about what is available. Come join us and be part of this PTQG event.
  • Below left is D220, “The Medusa Tree” by Jill Parisien. Title taken from Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky in Diamonds”, Source: “June Baby” by Leslie McNeil, MarveLes Art Studios. Machine appliquéd, machine quilted, (dm). Winner of NACQJ Award of Merit from Mary Walter, Certified Judge.
  • Below right is D208 “Gooseberry Pie” by Wendy Caton Reed. My version of the “Foothills” internet quilt-along with Mary Elizabeth Kinch. Made in potholder method whereas each block is individually quilted, bound and then stitched together. Machine pieced, machine quilted (dm). Winner of NACQJ Award of Merit from Pat Harrison, Certified Judge.
D220, “The Medusa Tree” by Jill Parisien
D220, “The Medusa Tree” by Jill Parisien
D208 “Gooseberry Pie” by Wendy Caton Reed
D208 “Gooseberry Pie” by Wendy Caton Reed