A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
An update!
1. Last postmark date for quilt registration is May 15th! If you need a form and/or entry information go to your brochure or our website: https://mainequilts.org/Quilt_Show/Quilt_Entry_Info.htm.
2. The workshops with sewing machines provided are filling well; teachers with machines are Karen Dever and Molly Waddell. It is so wonderful for the students to not lug their machines. Enjoy using the machines donated by The Fabric Garden and Sanford Sewing. There will be an expert helper from the vendor/manufacturer available in workshop all day. We’re letting the teacher teach. If you have a chance at the show, stop by their booths and thank them for their generosity! And check out the special show prices they will offer!
3. Another workshop is full! Susan Brubaker Knapp, “Start with a Photo” on Friday. Check our website for further updates on full workshops: http://www.mainequilts.org
Have you wondered what happens with the quilts when they are brought to the Civic Center on Wednesday to be hung?
The Quilt Delivery Day volunteers bring the quilts to the Civic Center and are checked in by the Quilt Delivery Chair, Sheila Belyea and her helpers. Then quilts are brought into the Auditorium and sorted by category: Display, Judged and Special Exhibits. Judged quilts are picked up by the Judging Chair, Pam Nourse, when it is determined a whole row is accounted for and brought to the Judging Room to be judged. Display quilts are sorted by number and then by row according to the layout chart provided. Each row has their quilts laid out in order still in their bags. Hanging ropes, wooden slats and ladders are gathered. 2 or 4 man teams hang the quilts. White gloves are worn at all times. Changing to hooks and using many fewer ropes has lessened the time needed to hang each quilt.
Quilts are checked by labels that they are the correct quilt to be hung. Sleeves are checked for size and correct placement. Name cards are attached and again checked against the label. Bags/pillowcases are gathered for each row and stored in a bag for each row until Sunday takedown. Judged quilts and Special Exhibit quilts are hung as they are available. Before everything is considered done, visual presentation is checked and adjustments made.
We are looking for 2 hour shifts to volunteer to help our Setup Chairs, Mary Reynolds and Mary Carthage.
See the quilts first! Fill out your volunteer form ( https://mainequilts.org/Quilt_Show/MQ15/MQ15_VolunteerForm.pdf) or use the form in your brochure. All the work and efforts by the Setup Chairs and their volunteers make a fabulous display of quilts for our Maine Quilts!
“AQSG 2012 Study of Early 20th Century Colonial Revival Quilts”
Traveling Exhibit Organized by the American Quilt Study Group
The biennial Quilt Studies have become a popular part of the American Quilt Study Group’s activities. Participation is a voluntary undertaking by AQSG members. Responding to a selected theme, a quilt is created which is copied from, or inspired by, an existing antique quilt. Each Participant is asked to provide an image of their inspiration and write a statement about what was learned through the process of creating their own quilt.
This 2012 Quilt Study theme is Colonial Revival Quilts from the Early 20th Century. We are excited to have 15 pieces for this Exhibit including one from a PTQG member, Wendy Caton Reed and one from Karen Dever, teacher.