A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org, www.mainequilts.org, www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org, 207-216-7358
****Welcome and Happy New Year 2018! I am starting the fourth year of Piecing Together Maine Quilts newsletter. I hope the information you are receiving in each issue keeps you up to date and involved with Maine Quilts. If there is a topic not covered please email me with your suggestion. Callie
Vendors at the 2018 Show | ||
A Very Special Collection Yorktown, VA www.averyspecialcollection.com |
Hancy Creations Montagne, CA www.FullLineStencil.com |
Rivers Edge Fowlerville, MI www.riversedgefabrics.com |
Adele Scott Design Studio Orleans, MA www.adelescott.com |
Kits by Carla Monkton, VT www.kitsbycarla.com |
Sanford Sewing Machines Sanford, ME www.sanfordsewing.com |
Barb Originals Venice, FL www.barboriginals.com |
Maine-ly Sewing Nobleboro, ME www.mainelysewing.com |
SewBatik Maysville, NDwww.sewbatik.com |
Calla Lily Quilts Greensboro, NC www.callalilyquilts.com |
Marcia Layton Designs Tampa, FL www.marcialaytondesigns.com |
Sew Many Creations Slingerlands, NY 12159 www.sewmanycreationsny.com |
The Cotton Cupboard Quilt Shop Bangor, ME www.cottoncupboardquilt.com |
Martelli Enterprises Pensacola, FL www.MartelliNotions.com |
Sew On the Go Huntington, CT www.sewonthego.net |
Dragonfly’s Quilt Shop Bellingham, MA www.dragonflysquiltshop.com |
Nine Patch Fabrics Oak Hill, VA www.NinePatchFabrics.com |
Stina’s Quilt and Sewing Supply Hampstead, NHwww.stinasquilt.com |
DWR Custom Woodworking New Britain, PA www.dwrwood.com |
Notions You Need Woodland Hills, CAwww.thethreaddirector.com |
Stone Row Studio Saylorsburg, PA570 -242-3913 |
Easy Piecing Brooklyn, NY www.easypiecing.com |
OOWHEE! Slip-Free Ruler Chicopee, MEwww.oowhee.com |
Superior Threads St. George, UT www.superiorthreads.com |
Embellish! Marlborough, MA508-485-8185 |
Peggy Anne’s Quilting & Sewing Co. Candia, NH www.peggyannes.com |
TNT Quilt Boards Lunenburg, MA www.tntquiltboards.com |
The Fabric Garden Madison, ME www.fabricgarden.com |
PRO Chemical & Dye Somerset, MA www.prochemical.com |
TSC Designs Houston, TX www.teacherstamp.com |
Fabritique Hull, MA www.fabritique.com |
Purple Moose Designs Mirror Lake, NHwww.purplemoosedesigns.com |
Uniquely Yours Quilt Shop Orangeville, IL www.uniquelyyoursquilting.com |
Fiddlehead Artisan Supply Belfast, ME www.fiddleheadartisansupply.com |
Quilters Treasure Rindge, NH 03461 www.quilterstreasure.com |
Wingspan Crafts Raymond, MEwww.wingspancrafts.com |
Footprints Quilt Shoppe Lebanon, ME www.footprintsquilting.blogspot.com |
Redfern Enterprises Inc. Las Vegas, NV www.redfernent.com |
Woodquilter Cincinnatus, NYwww.woodquilter.net |
Yardgoods Center Waterville, ME www.yardgoodscenter.com |
***Volunteers needed to be a monitor for a workshop. Here is your chance to monitor a class, assist the teacher, and if time allows work on the class project. The workshops are listed on our website, http://www.mainequilts.org/Quilt_Show/Teachers.htm. Contact Linda Quirion, linda_q@roadrunner.com if you are interested.