A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Barbara Duffy, Maine Quilts Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
It is my pleasure to say “hello” to you as your new Maine Quilts Coordinator! We may have had the opportunity to meet during my time as PTQG Membership Registrar, Area 4 Rep or QSA Chairperson or my other identity as “Gadget Queen” over the past several years. As I transition into my new role as Maine Quilts Coordinator one thing remains the same: the passion for quilting that can be found in Maine. I look forward to seeing that passion come to life once again when we present Maine Quilts 2023 on July 27-29, 2023.
Announcing the Maine Quilts 2023 Theme: “Christmas in July”
This year’s theme is full of possibilities for you to be creative as you plan and begin making your entries for the 2023 show. Poinsettias! Holly! Presents! Santa! And those are just a few words that come to mind when thinking about “Christmas in July” Happy planning!

I want to personally thank all of Maine Quilts 2022 volunteers! Without you it would be next to impossible to put on the quality show we are known for! Please consider volunteering for Maine Quilts 2023!
There are a few opportunities for YOU to become a chairperson for Maine Quilts 2023! Chairpersons play key roles in preparing for and helping at the show. If you would like to learn more about what positions are open, please contact me soon. Our current chairpersons will warmly welcome you!

We are very excited about the special exhibits for Maine Quilts 2023! The quilts of Margaret Solomon Gunn will be on display along with quilts by Hortense Beck from the International Quilt Museum. The Graffiti Challenge by Cherrywood will also be featured.
I look forward to meeting you at the Pine Tree Quilters Guild Member’s Meeting on September 10th.