A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Laura Nichols, Maine Quilts Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
Maine Quilts 2022 Friday Night Banquet: An Evening with Edyta Sitar
Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts will be the keynote speaker at Friday night’s banquet! You will NOT want to miss your opportunity to spend an evening with Edyta. She will be speaking on “Blue and White Quilts: Quilter’s Favorites”. Edyta is well known for her use of blue and white fabrics in her beautiful quilt designs.
Event registration opens March 15. Be sure to register as soon as registration opens; this will be a sell-out event!
Silent Auction
This year, Maine Quilts will be supporting the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence through the silent auction. Please consider making a donation and bidding on items at this year’s show. All donated items should have a minimum value of $25.00. If you’re submitting a handmade item for which you used a pattern, be sure to check the Blanket Permission List for information on obtaining permission for using the pattern. The Blanket Permission List is posted on the Maine Quilts’ website at: www.mainequilts.org/quilt_show/2022-blanket-permission-list/
To learn more about the work done by the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence, visit their website at: www.mcedv.org
The Silent Auction Donation Form is included with this month’s edition of “Piecing Together Maine Quilts.” If you are interested in making a donation or have any questions, please contact the Silent Auction Chairpersons Carol Reed at quiltercarolreed@gmail.com or Lee Priest at leepriest0@gmail.com.
Would you like to be a Workshop Monitor?
Sign-ups are now open for workshop monitors! This is your chance to monitor a class and assist the teacher. The workshops are listed on Maine Quilts’ website: www.mainequilts.org/quilt_show/2022-workshop-schedule/
To become a Workshop Monitor, contact Meliss Swanson at mhswans18@gmail.com.