A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Laura Nichols, Maine Quilts Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
YOU ARE NEEDED as a Volunteer! Please sign up for your volunteering time, then encourage your chapter members to sign up for their volunteering time.
~Storage Unit/UHaul both Tuesday morning and Sat. afternoon/evening, as well as loading totes from Civic Center classrooms, lobby and office, etc. to return to the storage unit.
~Champagne Preview on Wednesday night: every location at 6:30PM.
SIGN UP BY JULY 1 in order to be entered in the drawing for the Bernina 475QE sewing machine, MSRP $2749, donated by The Cotton Cupboard in Bangor.
Please contact Callie Lavoie, Volunteer Chair, to commit to your two-hour (or more!) volunteer time slot: volunteer@mainequilts.org or 207-641-7966.
NEW WORKSHOP ADDED! “Beginning Machine Quilting”
Due to popular demand, a second day of “Beginning Machine Quilting” with Cindy Seitz-Krug has been added! This workshop will be held on Saturday, July 30, in place of the originally scheduled “Fun Fillers and Background Stitches”. Sign up for this workshop today by visiting the show website at mainequilts.org/quilt_show/2022-workshop-schedule/2022-workshops/#Beginning-Machine
A few workshops still have seats available! Lunch Lecture tickets are available for purchase still! Buy your ticket and register for additional workshops now to guarantee your seat. Tickets for Lunch Lectures and the Friday night banquet with Edyta Sitar, as well as registration for the workshops with seats available, can be purchased at the Maine Quilts website: mainequilts.org/quilt_show/
Quilters Walk Baskets and Door Prizes: It is time for your chapter to decide what to include in your chapter’s basket that will be on Quilters Walk. Please contact Pam Soucy to let her know about your chapter’s basket so she can include it on Quilters Walk. pam_soucy@yahoo.com or 557-1610.
If you would like to make a donation for Door Prizes, please contact Pam Soucy with the donated item details.
Sanford Sewing Machines in Sanford: a Maine Quilts 2022 Platinum Sponsor
Sanford Sewing Machines is sponsoring all the HandiQuilter long-arm quilting machines
that will be used in all long-arm quilting workshops!
Thank you, Sanford Sewing Machines!