A newsletter for Maine Quilts

Barbara Duffy, Maine Quilts Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358

Hurry!!! Time is running out!!! You don’t want to miss it. We are still raffling our beautiful hand quilted and hand appliqued quilt created by Jo Bunker; a long time PTQG member. Photos do not do justice to the beautiful hand work. The drawing will be held in the parking lot at the August Civic Center on Saturday, July 25th. We plan on videoing the drawing, so you won’t miss a thing. Details will be forthcoming. 

The raffle quilt will be THE MAJOR FUND RAISER for PTQG for 2020. If you have not bought any tickets, please consider buying some right now. We need your support to help minimize the impact that the cancellation has on guild finances. Ask your friends and neighbors (from a safe distance) to buy some tickets as well!! This is an important way to support PTQG and get a chance to own a one of a kind quilt. 

If you are the “go to” raffle quilt person for your chapter and you were not able to distribute all your tickets we ask that you, please mail tickets to the members who did not receive them. If you are a member who has not yet received tickets, please check to see if your tickets will be mailed. If that is not possible then please contact Cherie Piper. Her email is cpiper4050@gmail.com. Her phone number is 846-9303. She will be happy to send you tickets. If you have tickets and need to get them submitted into the drawing, please send them to Cherie Piper. Her mailing address is 15 Deer Run Road, North Yarmouth, Maine 04097. Please make your checks payable to PTQG. 

I also want to remind everyone that there will be a virtual Quilt Show on the Maine Quilts web site. (www.mainequilts.org) Please check the web site for more details on how to enter your quilt and be sure to check out the “Virtual” show which will be from July 22-25th. See what everyone has been doing as they socially distance themselves. 

Finally, this will be my last “Piecing Together”. I will be finishing my role as Coordinator at the end of July. I have enjoyed myself and enjoyed getting to know so many of you. Maine Quilts is a wonderful organization and I look forward to Maine Quilts 2021 and more.