A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Barbara Duffy, Maine Quilts Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
- If your green Registration Brochure is not at your home yet it should be there any minute. Look through it and fill out forms for volunteering, entering a quilt or taking a workshop or going to an event! There are several new events, new raffles and quilt challenges to join in. Are you working on the “From Needle to Needle Challenge”?
- The www.mainequilts.org website is filled with information about the quilt show including all of the classes being offered, special events, details about the raffle quilt and more. Please take a moment to look online. There are many colored photos that can really give you a great idea of what is being offered.
- This year the first 25 children who enter a quilt into the show will receive a Janome Sewing Machine, donated by The Fabric Garden. What a great way to get your children or grandchildren excited about quilting. More specific details are on the web site or in your brochure.
- Sue Rapalus, our new Quilt Registrar, is beginning to receive Quilt registrations. Get your registration in early and you can get that crossed off your to do list. I don’t know about you, but I love to get stuff crossed off my “To Do” list. If you need copyright permission, now is a good time to get that out of the way. Check the Blanket Permission list on our website, www.mainequilts.org, for the most up to date information. The sooner you send your registration in the lower your pickup number on Saturday. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Rapalus at quiltsreg@mainequilts.org.
- Susan Lamie, our Workshop and Event Registrar, is ready to sign you up! PTQG members first postmark date is March 15 and nonmembers March 30. If you were a Chairperson in 2019 you may sign up starting postmark date March 1. We love our volunteers! Susan- workshopandevents@mainequilts.org.
- I am getting excited about this years’ show. There are lots of great classes to attend and some fun events that shouldn’t be missed. I can wait to see the “From Needle to Needle” entries but most of all I can’t wait to see all the quilts hanging in all their glory. It truly is a sight to see!