A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
40th Anniversary Quilt Show 2017 – Red and White Stitched Together Exhibit!
Announcement! This is an open Red and White Celebration exhibit. We all loved the exhibit at the Folk Art Museum in New York City with over 600 red and white quilts. What better way to celebrate our 40th Anniversary show in 2017 and make our own. You can make any size and any red and whites that read red and white.
This is my entry which still needs to be quilted; Goose in the Pond blocks. Same block and pattern as our state mystery quilt a couple years ago with Linda Throckmorton. I love the cheerfulness!
• Your red Registration Brochure should be at your doorstep now. Look through it and fill out forms for volunteering, entering a quilt or taking a workshop or going to an event! There are several new events, new raffles and quilt challenges to join in. Have you thought what you might enter in our theme challenge “Fantastically 40!”?
• Would you like to linda_q@roadrunner.com. monitor a workshop? We have 6 open spaces. A monitor helps the teacher and monitors the room. You don’t have to pay the workshop fee and may be able to participate if there is time and space. We need 2 with Ann Unrein, 2 with Jamie Wallen, 1 with Philippa Naylor and 1 with Pat Delaney. Contact Linda Quirion to volunteer at
• Saturday Children’s workshops : Let’s not forget our kids! Saturday workshops are in the morning for the youngest ages (7-10) “Hanging Organizer” and in the afternoon (ages 10-14) “Mug Rug”. We have a generous sponsor, The Fabric Garden, which allows us to offer these workshops for $15. The sewing machines and workshop supplies are all provided. Barbara Batchelder is the teacher. Thank you, Barbara and Kala at The Fabric Garden. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child, grandchild or group to have a sewing workshop!
• www.mainequilts.org, for the most up to date information. The sooner you send your registration in the lower your pickup number on Saturday. Any questions contact Carmen at quiltsreg@mainequilts.org. Quilt registrations are coming in to our quilt registrar, Carmen, to her delight! Our last postmark date this year is May 15th. If you need copyright permission, start now. Check the Blanket Permission list on our website,
• Susan Lamie, our workshopandevents@mainequilts.org. Workshop and Event Registrar, is ready to sign you up! PTQG members first postmark date is March 15 and nonmembers March 30. If you were a Chairperson in 2016 you may sign up starting postmark date March 1. We love our volunteers! Susan-