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A newsletter for Maine Quilts

Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator, 207-216-7358


Register to enter the following exhibit on the quilt registration form in the Brochure mailed in February.

Our Challenge theme this year is “Bee Sew Inspired”. Hmmmm…..Are you all about the “Bee”? Are you all about the “Sew”? Our logo this year on the tees will be a black and yellow bee. The Show pin is a traditional Honeybee block in black, yellow and white. What will we see this year?

Would you like to donate?

  1. Did you take a chance on the donated Chapter baskets on Quilters Walk? They have been the most wonderful addition to our Quilters Walk table. Each basket has a theme and beautifully put together. We are continuing this tradition and asking any Chapters that want to participate to create a theme, gather the donated items for the theme and contact Pam Soucy, Quilters Walk chair, to let her know you are participating. Quilters Walk is more fun with all ideas for donations!
  2. This year in support of our charity, WomenHeart, we are supporting the HeartScarves project. Do you knit, sew, crochet, or weave? Make a red scarf and bring to the Quilt Show and we will see the scarf reaches a current heart patient in Maine. Here is a brief description for WomenHeart’s website about the intent of the program. I am reaching out to our local hospitals and heart care centers to ask them to join us in this project.WomenHeart is the only national organization dedicated to promoting women’s heart health through advocacy, education and patient support. As the leading voice for the 42 million American women living with or at risk of heart disease, WomenHeart advocates for equal access to quality care and provides information and resources to help women take charge of their heart health. Founded in 1999, WomenHeart’s mission is to improve the health and quality of life of women living with or at risk of heart disease. Through their programs and services, WomenHeart raises awareness about the importance of prevention and early detection, accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of women’s heart disease. For more information: Thank you for your support.
  3. No Silent Auction this year.
  4. The Quilt Show also needs a donation of your time! The days are show setup on Tuesday and Wednesday, Champagne Preview night Wednesday night, Show days Thursday – Saturday and show take down Saturday night. July 26-28, 2018. Contact Susan Bulay, Volunteer Chair, to donate your time to our Show. Thank you!