A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
****Welcome and Happy New Year 2017! I am starting the third year of Piecing Together Maine Quilts newsletter. I hope the information you are receiving in each issue keeps you up to date and involved with Maine Quilts. Please like us on www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts. Callie
A big change for this year’s show and Judging.
Judged Quilts Division – Entry Information and Guidelines
Entries in the judged division may be the work of individuals or groups. Judging takes place prior to the show’s opening and is done by three experienced judges. Having a quilt judged is an opportunity to learn one’s strong points and weaknesses and provides the individual with knowledge to improve his or her quilt making as he or she continues to create wonderful quilts.
• Judging categories will be Pieced (greater than 75% of the top construction is piecing); Appliquéd (greater than 75% of the top construction is appliqué); Mixed (even balance of pieced and appliquéd elements); Other (techniques other than piecing/appliqué, such as whole cloth, painted, etc.); Modern; and Art. Depending on the number of entries in a category, the Show Coordinator and Judged Quilts Chair reserve the right to further subdivide any of these categories based on quilt size (e.g., Large Pieced and Small Pieced, etc.).
• Judges will award First, Second, and Third Place ribbons in each category. In addition, they may (at their discretion) award up to two Honorable Mention ribbons in each category.
• “Best in Judged” will be selected from among the First Place quilts. The “Best in Judged” quilt will be awarded a category place ribbon as well; once it is selected, the other ribbon-winning quilts in its category will be moved up a level.
• There will be six additional ribbons awarded: Outstanding Hand Quilting; Outstanding Domestic Machine Quilting; Outstanding Long Arm Quilting; Best Use of Color; Best Use of Embellishments; and Best First-Time Entry in Judged Division.
• Each judge will also award a “Judge’s Choice” ribbon, and, at her discretion, a NACQJ Award of Merit ribbon. The judges may choose from both the judged and display entries for their selection of these awards.
• Only 100 quilts will be accepted in the Judged Quilts Division. You will be notified only if your quilt is NOT accepted.
• Quilts made from kits with fabrics will be disqualified.
• Quilts made from preprinted whole cloth quilts will be disqualified.
• An individual may enter up to two quilts in the Judged Quilts Division; however, Maine Quilts reserves the right to make a limit change.
• To receive judges’ comments after the show, please send a business size, self-addressed, stamped envelope with your completed entry form. (If you have two entries, a single SASE may be used to receive both judging sheets.)
If you have questions, contact: Callie Lavoie, Maine Quilts Coordinator, info@mainequilts.org, 646-8773 or Pam Nourse, Judging Volunteer Chair, pjwnmd@gmail.com or 343-0557.