A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
An update!
1. Workshops– Several workshops need more registrants. Please look at these workshops and sign up!
a. Phenomenal Free Motion Foliage with Barbara Binotto – Sunday
b. House on the Hill Runner with Lisa Bongean – Sunday
c. Twist and Shout with Mary Kerr – Saturday
d. Anonymous & Me with Mary Kerr – Sunday
e. Appliqué & Embellishments with Gina Perkes – Sunday
f. Color Me Beautiful with Linda Poole – Saturday
g. The Mystique of Appraising with Bonnie Dwyer – Saturday.
Right now we have three and two students in our Children’s workshops on Sunday. Please register your child or grandchild to make a mini backpack or a beach bag tote. They will have fun with a good teacher!
2. Friday night Dinner and “In Stitches with Quilting Comedy” with Betsy Crowell. Betsy is a very funny lady coming to entertain us. We will again have a skit with PTQG members directed by Carolee Withee. We had great fun last year! The menu has been changed with double the distribution stations. It will go easier and faster!
3. Volunteers – This is a grand list of what we need to have a successful show. Contact Susan Bulay, Volunteer Chair, volunteer@mainequilts.org or 207-827-6136 and join in.
a. Wednesday morning –meet at the Storage Unit to load and unload U-haul there and back at the Civic Center
b. Wednesday – Show setup
c. Thursday night – Admissions table, Merchandise, Raffle Quilt, White Glove
d. Friday – Admissions table Friday afternoon, Handwork Demo 9-11am, Merchandise afternoon, Raffle Quilt – afternoon, Raffle Sewing Machine 3-5 p.m., Show Information Table 9 -11, 11-1, Silent Auction 11 -1, 1-3 pm, Vendor assistant all shifts, Volunteer table 7:30 – 10 am, White Glove all shifts, Workshop Registration table 10 – 12:30, 12:30 – 2:30.
e. Saturday – Admissions table all day, Handwork demo 9 -11 am, Merchandise morning shifts, Raffle Quilt 11 -1, Show information table 11 -1, Vendor assistant morning shifts, Volunteer table 7:30 – 10, 10:00 – 12:30, 2:30 – 5pm, White Glove – all shifts, Workshop Registration table 10 -12:30.
f. Sunday – Admission table all shifts, Merchandise 10 -12, 12 – 2pm, Quilters Walk 10 -12, 12 – 2pm, Raffle Quilt 10 -12, 12 – 2 pm, Raffle sewing machine 10 – 12, 12 -2 pm, Show information table all shifts, Silent Auction 12 -2, Vendor assistant all shifts, Volunteer table 2:30 – 5 pm, White Glove – all shifts, Show Takedown including quilt take down and loading and unloading the U-Haul.
As you can see we need you and many of you! Find a shift or two and sign up! It may be your first time to volunteer but it won’t be your last as you are hooked on the helping the show!