A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
An update! Really looking forward to the Quilt Show!
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org, www.mainequilts.org, www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts, 207-216-7358
1. Workshops full today are Quiltside Tools with Gina Perkes, Trip to the Altar with Brenda Henning, Outside the Box with Brenda Henning and Starry, Starry Nines with Pam Buda. Workshops with one or two spaces are Hibiscus with Linda Poole, Fantabulous Feathers and Fills with Gina Perkes and Bud Garden with Lisa Bongean. Check our website for further updates on full workshops: http://www.mainequilts.org
2. We are changing the Sunday project with Lisa Bongean. We will have new project information this week.
3. “In Stitches with Quilting Comedy” Friday night banquet and entertainment is filling nicely. Come join us!
4. Noon lectures with Pam Buda on Friday, Linda Poole on Saturday and Gina Perkes on Sunday are very popular! Bring your lunch upstairs and enjoy these knowledgeable and entertaining speakers.
5. Quilts! We need quilts! All FOUR of your quilts!
6. Volunteers! Have you decided what you are going to do?
Some thoughts:
a. Hand work demos – what do you do for hand work? Demonstrate at the “Quilters at Work” table, center aisle of the Auditorium for 2 hours. 2 chairs and a table. Hand quilting hoop stand available also.
b. Be a White Glover.
c. Assist at the Silent Auction table taking bids or later in the day selecting the winners and taking payment.
d. Sell raffle tickets or sell tickets for Quilters Walk…
e. Workshop Registration Table assisting with registration pickup, especially Thursday night.
Meet our new Vendors:
1. Barb Originals from Venice, FL. Stylish accessories for clothing. www.barboriginals.com
2. Cote Brothers from Auburn, ME. Brother and Juki sales and service. www.cotebrothers.com
3. The Crazy Quilter from Milledgeville, GA. Redwork and stitchery.
4. Embellish! , Marlborough, MA. Buttons!
5. Follow That Thread from Hudson, MA. Aurifil thread. www.followthatthread.com
6. Footprints Quilt Shoppe, E. Rochester, NH. Quilt shop. www.footprintsquilting.blogspot.com
7. Primitive Gatherings, Lisa Bongean, Menasha, WI. Reproduction fabrics and wools. www.primtivegatherings.us
8. Stina’s Quilt and sewing supplies, Hampsted, NH. Poorhouse Quilt Designs and others. www.stinasquilt.com
The Quilt Show needs:
1. A White Glove Chair, can be two co chairs. Contact Callie at info@mainequilts.org or 646-8773.
2. A Friday demonstration volunteer, three demonstrations to oversee and/or a half day Saturday demonstration volunteer with 2 demonstrations. Can be the same person or two. Contact Callie at info@mainequilts.org or 646-8773.
3. One workshop monitor for Sunday morning, Gina Perkes “Appliqué & Embellishment”. Contact Linda Quirion at linda_q@roadrunner.com.