A newsletter for Maine Quilts
Callie E Lavoie, Coordinator
info@mainequilts.org | www.mainequilts.org | www.facebook.com/MaineQuilts.org | 207-216-7358
Quilts! Quilts! Quilts!
The first thing I dream about for Maine Quilts is Quilts! Quilts! Quilts! I’m watching Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show and singing with Motley Crue “Girls! Girls! Girls!” and dreaming of quilts. I walk the aisles of the quilt show with my head on a swivel and let the colors, sizes, techniques and impressions surround me with quilt heaven. Think of it – 600 quilts!
The Maine Quilts Brochure has gone to the printer and will be with you very soon. I will copy my quilt registration form (which will also be found on our website, www.mainequilts.org) and send it in right away for a “Puffin: Not Just Black and White” challenge entry. I want that low pickup number for Sunday night with the first registered, first to pickup arrangement. I have my copyright permission. Carmen Dickinson, our Quilt Registrar, carmend2010@hotmail.com would like our forms as soon as you will send them. She is ready! Did you know she registers our quilts, types up descriptions for the Show Book (so please print clearly!), works with Irene Goff to develop our layout, and prints receipts? She also works with Sheila Belyea, Quilt Delivery Day and at check in on Wednesday, Show Setup Day. Busy girl!
New This Year!
Embroidered wool hand shapes will be used to identify hand quilted items. Chickadee Quilters had this brilliant idea for their show and Crazy Quilters of Maine Chapter is creating these for our show.
Original and Traditional quilts requiring no copyright permission can be for sale. Carmen will indicate on the card attached to the quilt. There will be a form for a prospective buyer to fill out at the Show Information Table right inside the Auditorium. We will forward the form to the quilt maker after the show.
We state that: “No item will be removed from the exhibit before the close of the show. Disclaimer: Neither Maine Quilts nor Pine Tree Quilters Guild, Inc. will provide the buyer contact information for the exhibitor. Pine Tree Quilters Guild, Inc. is not responsible for the sale of any quilt. This contact form will be sent to the exhibitor. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to contact any potential buyer. Pine Tree Quilters Guild, Inc. is not responsible for the sale of any quilt, nor will it participate in any part of the sale negotiation.”
Our judges this year are Holice Turnbow, Molly Waddell, and Mary Derry all National Quilt Association Certified Judges. Did you know that in 1988 Mr. Turnbow founded the Hoffman Challenge?
Our Special Exhibits this year include:
- “Something Old, Something New: Early Quilts from the Maine State Museum” (including two that PTQG purchased and donated)
- “AQSG 2012 Study of Early 20th Century Colonial Revival Quilts” (with quilts from Karen Dever, one of our teachers this summer and Wendy Caton Reed, a PTQG member)
- Hoffman Indigo 2014 Challenge
- Puffin: Not Just Black and White Challenge
- Meet A Quilter (not yet selected at press with our postponed Members meeting)
Let’s enjoy and celebrate our passion with quilts!