All “blanket permissions” require proper pattern, book, publisher and designer credit be given.

Other InfoCredit Requirements
Any TeacherOK to use technique learned in any class.  Need permission to use a pattern.
Maine Quilts 2011 – 2019, 2022-2024Teacher Ok to display with appropriate credit for workshop participants.
PTQG Workshops 2013-2019, 2021- 2024 Teacher Ok to display with appropriate credit for workshop participants
allpeoplequilt.comWebsitePublished by Meredith CorpOK to display with appropriate credit.
American Patchwork & QuiltingMagazinePublished by Meredith CorpOK to display with appropriate credit.
Beyer, JinnyDesignerjinnybeyer.comOK to display with appropriate credit. 
Butterick, McCall, VoguePatterns OK for fashion show setting with appropriate credit.
C&T Publishing – includes Crosley-Griffith, FunStitch Studio, Kansas City Star, and Stash Books to display with appropriate credit to the design source on a label attached to the work, and on any related submission paperwork. 
Diehl, KimDesigner All PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Doak, CarolDesigner OK to display with appropriate credit.
Easy QuiltsMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Electric Quilt to display quilts made with library blocks, except those by Debbie Sichel and Rita Denenberg. Add ons, particularly those by specific designers, may require permission to display. If in doubt, consult the website and/or request permission. 
Fons & PorterPublisher OK to display with appropriate credit. Includes patterns from magazine, web site and books. 
Hahn, Linda JDesignerfroghollowdesigns.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Heine, LauraDesignerfiberworks-heine.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Henning, BrendaDesignerbearpawproductions.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Hunter, Bonnie to display with appropriate credit, must include Bonnie’s original name of the quilt
James, KathieDesignerKathie James DesignsOK to display with appropriate credit.
Kerr, Kathryn to display 365 Challenge quilts with appropriate credit.
Kingwell, JenDesignerjenkingwelldesigns.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Klinker, Peggy AnneDesignerPeggy Anne’s Quilting and Sewing Co.All PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Leko, DougDesignerantlerquiltdesign.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Linder, EllenDesigneradventurequilter.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit
Maine Shops for Row by Row  OK to display with credit to each shop.
Make It ModernMagazine Check for permission printed in each issue. 
Maple Island Quilts, Debbie BowlesDesignermapleislandquilts.comAll PTQG members. Attribute credit for the pattern design to Maple Island Quilts. Debbie Bowles.
Martingale & Co. – includes That Patchwork PlacePublisherOK to display with appropriate credit.
McCall’s Quick QuiltsMagazine quiltingdaily.comIssues have permission printed in them. 
McCall’s QuiltingMagazine quiltingdaily.comJan 2011 and forward have permission printed in them.
Missouri Star Quilt Co. – includes BLOCK magazineDesignermissouriquiltco.comOK to display any quilt made from instructions or patterns with appropriate credit.
Modern Patchworkquiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Morton, JoDesignerRef: email from Jo to OK to display with appropriate credit.
Moser, KristaDesignerkristamoser.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Niemeyer, Judy DesignerRef: email from Brenda Hall, Judy Niemeyer Quilting Certified InstructorAll PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Pacific Rim Quilt to display with appropriate credit, to include the name of the pattern, Pacific Rim Quilt Company,
Pelland, SueDesigner OK to display with appropriate credit.
Piece By to display with credit to Beth Maddocks, Piece by Number 
Piecing with Poppers, Sharon MayersDesignerOK to display with appropriate credit.
Poorhouse Quilt DesignsDesignerpoorhousequiltdesigns.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit to Kristine Poor, Poorhouse Quilt Designs.
Quilt SamplerMagazinePublished by Meredith CorpOK to display with appropriate credit.
Quilt University, now arbeedesigns.comOK to use technique. Need permission to use a pattern.
Quilter’s World/Annie’sMagazinePublished by Annie’s PublishingOK to display with appropriate credit.
Quilters NewsletterMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Quilting ArtsMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Quilting CelebrationsMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Quilting QuicklyMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Quilting TraditionsMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
QuiltmakerMagazinePublished by Golden Peak MediaIssues have permission printed in them. 
Quilts & MoreMagazinePublished by Meredith CorpOK to display with appropriate credit.
QuiltyMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Scrap Quilts MagazineMagazinequiltingdaily.comOK to display with appropriate credit
Sew Kind of Wonderful, Jenny
Designersewkindofwonderful.comOK to display with appropriate credit
Simel, PTQG members with appropriate credit.
SimplicityPatterns OK for display with appropriate credit. 
Stocker, BlairDesignerwisecrafthandmade.comAll PTQG members with appropriate credit.
Studio 180 DesignsDesignerIncludes Studio 180 Designs and Modern 180 patterns and layouts in the Hidden Treasures book.OK to display with appropriate credit. For patterns in Hidden Treasures, please credit the designer of the individual pattern used. Does not include patterns by Studio 180’s Certified Instructors.
Wilkin, KittyDesignernightquilter.comOK to display with appropriate credit.
Wilmington Prints Studio, Wilmington Batiks StudioWebsite wilmingtonprints.comOK to display with appropriate credit.