It is never too early to think ahead to the quilt show and how best to handle entries. Please read the General Quilt Entry Information and Guidelines. Below are some additional things to consider if your chapter or group is doing a challenge for Maine Quilts.
Each quilt entry counts towards an individual’s maximum number of entries. For 2025, the limit is four per individual.
Permission for display at Maine Quilts is required for any challenge entry that is neither original nor traditional. It is best to seek permission before you begin the challenge so you are assured of displaying the work.
Maine Quilts has a Blanket Permission list of designers/publishers who have already granted permission. It is available from the Quilt Registrar. It will also be available online and published in Patchwork Press periodically.
Challenges entries may consist of a combination of quilts hung individually and mini quilts pinned to a backing.
Chapter Challenge Coordinators will complete the Chapter Challenge/Group Entry form, available from the Quilt Registrar, for each challenge entry. If the form does not fit your needs, we can work together to make sure it’s easy for you….and easy for us.
Coordinators will either complete additional General Quilt Entry Forms for each quilt in the challenge, or groups may decide to submit their entries individually using the online registration form (for large quilts only). There is a space on the form for Name of Challenge so they can be grouped together for display.
If all the entries are either original or traditional, you may complete the Chapter Challenge Group Entry form followed by a list of the quilts, makers, quilters, and size information.
All entries including indication that any necessary permissions have been secured are due by May 15, 2024.
New for 2025: Challenge quilts may be hung individually if the perimeter of the entry is equal to or larger than 60”. Entries with a perimeter smaller than 60” (mini quilts) must be sewn or pinned to a backing provided by the chapter group.
It is the chapter’s responsibility to attach the mini quilts neatly and securely to the backing. DO NOT use straight pins. Attach each mini quilt to a larger backing which has the 4” sleeve for hanging. The backing can be no longer than 88″ and no wider than 110” wide. Smaller widths and lengths are easier to work with and generally hang much nicer. You may use more than one backing. Smaller backings are easier for you pinning and us hanging. If you decided to use multiple backings, we can still hang them together in the exhibit.
Each backing holding mini quilts must have a label on the back of the backing with the challenge contact name and challenge title. Each backing must be in a separate flat cloth bag or pillowcase, marked with the chapter challenge, contact person and phone number. Please do not use masking tape for labels.
The color of your backing is your choice. Maine Quilts generally uses black behind the quilts, but it is totally your decision. Pick something that shows your quilts to their best advantage.
Quilts hung individually must have a 4” sleeve no more than 88” from the bottom of the quilt or backing. Quilts hung individually must have a label on the back of the quilt with the quilt maker and quilt title. Each individual quilt must be in a separate flat cloth bag or pillowcase large enough to easily accommodate the quilt, marked with the quilt maker’s name and address or phone number.
All quilts and backings with minis will be delivered to a delivery site the same as any other quilt.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Sue Rapalus
Quilt Registrar – Maine Quilts 2025