By Sandi Hunt, Nominating Committee.

Happy New Year, everyone! We are looking for nominees for the September 2021 election of new officers of the PTQG Board and we would appreciate your help spreading the word about these openings to your quilting friends.

Please support our guild by reviewing the descriptions below and let the Nominating Committee know if you are interested in running for one of these offices or if you can recommend someone you feel would be a good candidate. More detailed information about the duties of each position is available upon request. We are happy to provide more information if you have any questions. These are the positions that are up for election at September’s PTQG Members meeting:

1st Vice President:  The 1st Vice President is responsible for selecting teachers and lecturers for programs and workshops at PTQG Members Meetings. Duties include sending out contracts, arranging for workshop locations and publicizing the workshops/programs via the Patchwork Press and the PTQG website. The 1st Vice President also works as host and facilitator to the teachers by arranging for transportation and lodging and attending the programs and workshops. In the President’s absence or inability to act the 1st Vice President performs the duties of the President. Our current 1st Vice President is Esther Libby.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer is responsible for budget planning and care of PTQG’s funds (checking, savings, and certificate of deposit accounts) and prepares a computer-generated treasurer’s report three times per year for presentation at the Members Meetings. The treasurer also oversees and supervises the newly created bookkeeper position. Our current Treasurer is Susan Lamie.

Directors-at-Large:  Directors-at-Large serve as liaison between the membership and the General Board. Duties include set up and clean up at meetings, helping distribute door prizes, assisting with show and tell, and serving as the Nominating Committee. There are four Directors-at-Large. 2021 openings are for Directors 2 and 4:

Director 2: Director 2 is responsible for door prize sign-up at Members Meetings, the door prize box, pencils and paper. Our current Director 2 is Betty Lerette.

Director 4: Director 4 is responsible for the first aid kit and accident reports at all PTQG, Inc. functions. Our current Director 4 is Charlene Cooper.

Each PTQG Board member attends all board meetings and members meetings and/or submits a report. The term for each of these positions is two years. No officer may serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office. PTQG Board members can be contacted through the PTQG website

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Nominating Committee: 

Sandi Hunt,
Betty Lerette, 
Diane Brause,
Charlene Cooper,