Volunteer! Volunteer! Volunteer! We need YOUR HELP as a Volunteer to make Maine Quilts 2024 a success. Signing up as a Volunteer brings perks, including being entered in the drawing for the BERNINA B435 sewing machine, MSRP $2,399! Big thanks to “The Cotton Cupboard Quilt Shop” in Bangor for this generous donation. The volunteer form on is on the website under the Volunteers tab.  Silent Auction Items: If you’d like to bring your Silent Auction items to the April Members’ meeting, Carol Reed and Lee Priest will be there to collect it from you. There is a donation form on the website under the ActivitiesMore →

Workshop/Event Registration opens March 15th @ 9 am for PTQG, Inc. members. Log on to our website – www.mainequilts.org– for Workshop descriptions, supply lists and event information. Make your online workshop registration an efficient process: Prior to March 15, be sure you know your username and password. Not sure what your password is? Click on “Login” in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Follow the prompts for “Lost Your Password?” Don’t have an account? Click on “Login” in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Follow the prompts under “Register” to set up your account. You will receive a confirmation email whenMore →

Maine Quilts 2024 Merchandise was unveiled (and sold) at the PTQG Member’s meeting on January 27th – they were a huge hit! The colors of the T-shirts are officially Coral and Aquatic Blue The zippered sweatshirt and long sleeve Ts are Navy – this is quality clothing!  I had several requests to order these in 4XL. I would be happy to special order for you – please let me know.  “Majestic Glimmer” (86×102) the MQ2024 raffle quilt was revealed at the PTQG Member’s Meeting on January 27th. It was designed by Michelle Renee Hiatt, pieced by Tacoma Lakes Quilters and machine quilted by Ann Woodhead. ThisMore →

 THURSDAY, JULY 25TH – NOON LECTURE ~ $10   FRIDAY, JULY 26TH – NOON LECTURE ~ $10 SATURDAY, JULY 27TH ~ NOON LECTURE ~ $10 Quilt Registration opens February 1st – are you ready?More →

Silent Auction Charity for Maine Quilts 2024 Maine Cancer Foundation (MCF) is dedicated to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine. 100% of the funds raised are invested back into our communities to benefit the people of Maine. Maine Quilts 2024 proudly supports the Maine Cancer Foundation – who will be the benefactor of the proceeds of the Silent Auction. https://mainecancer.org  Blanket Permission List I’m sure that many of you are already working on, or have already completed, quilts to enter in Maine Quilts 2024. It is critical that you get permission from the designer for all quilts entered into the show that areMore →

Maine Quilts July 25-27, 2024  Given unanimous approval at the recent PTQG Board of Director’s meeting, our banquet has been moved from Friday night to Thursday night – same time – same place! Our Thursday Night Banquet Key Note Speaker will be Sarah Ann Smith! She will give a talk and a trunk show entitled “How did she do that?”, to also include selected quilts from her exhibit “Finding Home” which will be on display in the Hancock Room. Tickets for the banquet are $35 which includes the meal. Stay tuned for further details.  Workshop Registration will continue to be online only, opening March 15thMore →

The theme for Maine Quilts 2024 is “Mariner’s Compass” “All Points Lead to Maine” – be thinking about your challenge for the theme row!  Here is a sneak peek to next year’s show pin! Make your hotel reservations now! Make your room reservation NOW to guarantee your stay during Maine Quilts 2024! There are no discounted group rates available at any Augusta Hotel during our show dates for the foreseeable future, so if you want a room during the show you will need to book NOW! Hotels closest to the Augusta Civic Center are Best Western Plus Augusta Civic Center Inn – 207-622-4751  Comfort InnMore →

Maine Quilts 2023 is over and what a fabulous show it was! We exceeded all expectations, even broke a few records! It was my pleasure to work with all of you! I want to personally thank all of you – the volunteers – without whom this show would not have been possible! There are a few opportunities for you to be part of the team for Maine Quilts 2024 – Chairpersons play a key role in the development and implementation of the show. If you would be interested in one of the open positions, please contact me!  Planned exhibits for Maine Quilts 2024 include: “FindingMore →

Maine Quilts 2023 with a few photos Best in Judged winner Pat Delaney, with her entry “My Neck of the Woods”  She was so excited!! Look for a complete list of winners (with photos) in the August issue of your Patchwork Press. Another special moment of the show when the children paraded through the auditorium, lead by their teacher, Melanie Frechette, with their creations– a stuffed dachshund puppy! SO CUTE!  Maine Quilts 2023’s theme was “Christmas in July” – this is a photo of the display, created by Melissa Dusoe – it looked so festive!  In keeping with the theme, our Friday night banquet featured aMore →

Critical Area of Need for Volunteers We desperately need volunteers to white glove on Wednesday evening – 7-9pm  Many of the other volunteer slots have already been filled but there is always room for more!  Just a two-hour shift will grant you admission to the show on the day you volunteer  Please contact Rachel Nelson, Volunteer Chair, to commit to your two-hour (or more!) volunteer time slot: volunteer@mainequilts.org or 207-416-5896 IMPORTANT DEADLINES TO REMEMBER: July 15: Box Lunch order forms must be sent to Deb Sawtelle by July 15th! Lunch orders received after July 15th will not be accepted. The order form is on ourMore →